
Friday =Film: Twinkies, Botox and Mediocrity

So I had a very nice Thanksgiving, how about you?

Here are the three movies opening today that are the most interesting to me:


Music + Words = Monesday?

So I missed this week's Monday = Music (but let's be honest, no one is reading this, so it doesn't really matter), and to make up for it this week's Wednesday = Words is music related.

Check out the Obama/hip-hop connection.


Friday = Film

So I found these to be the week's most intriguing new films...

But nothing can compare to these...

What? You were expecting vampires and superdogs?


Wednesday = Words

So I forgot on Monday that every post is supposed to start with 'So I', so I am sorry about that.

I am not sorry to hear about the latest misfortune of Alberto Gonzalez and Dick Cheney.

I am also not sorry about Obama's Attorney General pick.

Hurray for Attorney Generals!


Monday = Music

Tilly & the Wall - Reckless from Team Love on Vimeo.

Since I have so much time on my hands right now, I thought I'd try this blogging thing again. I wonder if anyone will notice.

Anyway, for awhile now I've been thinking that it would be cool to be in a band as a tap dancing percussionist, so while I can't say that I love the music of Tilly and the Wall, I have to love that they are putting this super cool idea in action.