
Monday = Music : Auto-Tune the News


lee said...

I can't believe this is the first I've heard of this.

Well, okay, maybe because the older ones aren't really particularly great.

Anyway, yay. I hope there are more, and I kinda hope they don't involve Martin Luther King, Jr.

Also, I did some reading about Auto-tune. Crazy stuff.

lee said...

Auto-tune the News? Still?

Gettin' a little sick a this.

Okay, that's a lie, I'm not getting sick of it at all, I listen to them over and over. It's pretty weird.

Kate said...

Sorry, this whole leaving the country in a week and starting grad school almost as soon as I get back hasn't left a lot of time for blogging. Do you read all of those shared articles on the side? There's some good stuff in there, even if it doesn't have my very minimal comments. Maybe I'll have time to get something up next week. If not, you may have to wait until August, when you're on your own international adventure.