NRA spokesman Bart Barnaby stated “food lovers and gun lovers have a ton of things in common, maybe for the food lover it’s seeking out that crazy fish you kind of know you’re not supposed to eat, while for the gun lover it’s killing that animal that might be considered kind of borderline endangered.”
"Thursday = WThF?"
I must say, So You..., that you are not quite so clever in conversation as I often find you in your Blog. Which, much as it sounds like an insult, is actually the opposite: you are clever in conversation, yet your Blog is even cleverer. Yes, cleverer. I'm unabashed.
Even if you're mostly shouting into a void, at least it's quality shouting.
Also I guess I'm in that void, somewhere, also shouting, less cleverly, less frequently.
Right now, I shout this: keep up the good work, You.
I know, that comment had nothing to do with the post itself.
Here's one that does:
This Barnaby fellow has apparently discovered that to be a lover of anything, one must also act like a brazen feckless moron. I would hate to think what sort of thing he would do if he were a people-lover.
Your two posts tie together interestingly, in the sense that the second guy (as a type of person) has no clue what the first guy (also a type) is talking about. I don't think Barnaby has any idea what's wrong with what he's saying. But I also don't think Nabhan has a good grasp of how people like Barnaby (or even non-crazy people) think a lot of the time. I am of course just guessing based on a single quote; either way I think there's a striking rift in the dialogue, specifically regarding food.
Also, I had kept meaning to mention to you that I have had a number of very interesting food-related conversations at work that have gotten me all riled up about this stuff. Have you read that book? Is it good? Despite the infrequency with which I manage to finish books, and I am hoping to go on a tear of those related to food issues, so I'm wondering if I should add that one to my ever-growing list.
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